"I want adventures in the great wide somewhere" Beauty and the Beast

Thursday 8 January 2015

the end of the reign of the serial killers


This morning I was on Reception, 8 am - 9.30.  I was a little concerned that some one would kill me and I would be out of the murder mystery game! I had lasted so long, only today to go!

The South African Girl Guides left early this morning.  We transported their luggage down to Oey, whilst they walked down.  They were heading into Zurich for a couple of days before heading home.

The usual duties had to be done after morning meeting.  Bathrooms had to be cleaned, rooms to be reset, common areas to be cleaned.

We had a break after lunch, where we came back to Stockli and watched movies and drank tea.  Mara came and joined us and she bought snacks (above).  

Rachael and I cooking dinner

Before we finished dinner we had the explanations and end game of the murder mystery.  I HAD SURVIVED! One of the Rover Week participants had me as a victim, she was supposed to kill me with a toothbrush in the Our Chalet van.  Not quite sure how she would have managed that!

My Murder Mystery Break Down...

After opening ceremony, the participants of Rover Week and all of the staff were gathered together.  Nikki had a surprise for us. As part of Rover Week, we were to play a Murder Mystery Game.  Each person was given a name of another person, guest or staff, a location on the Chalet grounds, and a weapon which they had to 'kill' (or touch) the person with.  No one else is allowed to be watching or be in the vicinity of the murder when it happens.  We weren't allowed to tell anyone when or if we were killed or if we killed someone.  And when you killed someone you took over their current 'victim'. 

My first victim was Louise.  I was to murder her in the tool shed with a loaf of bread.  My opportunity came when she was put on the dinner set up rota.  I was in charge of organising that patrol.   I had them set the tables, then some pick a grace one put out the trefoils for waiters, which left Louise.  I told her we were going to put the compost bin.  I gave her a bucket and took one myself and a loaf of bread and headed up to the tool shed.  I don’t think she realized it wasn’t where the compost was! In fact I was kinda hoping she didn’t.  When we got to the tool shed, I couldn’t find the light switch but it didn’t matter because I was able to kill her as she walked in the door!  She took it well and I think I may have got the first kill of the game!  However we still had to put the compost out, so we did that and she later gave me her piece of paper.

My second victim was Fiona.  I was to murder her by the compost bin with a winter boot.  My first idea was to use the same plan as I had with Louise, however that didn’t work out as some of the South African Guides took the compost out instead.  I figured I would take a little poet license on the location part of my murder.  The compost bin could be any compost bin right? Including the one in the dining room.  Louise said she would help and she sent Fiona down to the dining room after dinner.  However, Fiona expected something and brought a buddy with her.  So I was exposed….
I thought I was done however the next morning after breakfast, I was in the dining room cleaning up breakfast and Fiona was there.  There was one other Rover week participant in the room, and when she left I walked up to Fiona and tapped her with my shoes (the murder weapon was a walking boot). 
Fiona gave me Stephy as my next victim.  Once again my luck was good and I was in charge of the Swiss night volunteers for the William Tell play.  Stehpy was one of them.  So when I took them down to the costume cupboard I told them I would get them an apple if one of them came with me, I went to walk out of the bottom level of the Chalet and out of the ski cellar door.  I stopped in the ski cellar and killed Stephy with the keys.

I was officially a serial killer! 

Stephy gave me Sarah as my next victim.  I was to kill her in the Stockli Carpark with a necker (scarf).  The murder weapon was easy, however by now Sarah had heard my reputation as a serial killer and was cautious around me now.  I thought about just waiting until she did some laundry and heading down after she had left Stockli. Unfortunately I did not have the chance to murder Sarah and she was able to survive to the end of the game!

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